About me

It has been said to us time and time again, life isn't fair. Yet, knowing this fact, I am still apalled daily by both the indifference of the masses- living blissfully ignorant of the injustices being done to them- and the cold greed which a small minority in this world are driven by. A drive that can cause someone to not only turn a blind eye to the less fortunate, the disabled, those who are down on their luck, but even to sadistically ridicule and belittle those who they see as below them. Every day I am presented with the hugely different lives which people life. The life of luxury and riches never before even thought possible. The nobility of ages past could not even begin to compare to the decadent lives filled with expensive goods, cozy lifestyles, cutting edge technology, and an infinite supply of wealth that the rich of today are privileged with. Contrast that with the horrifying exploitation and shame that the poor live with today, I suppose it's true, the rich man will always make his dollar off the hard work of the peasant.